Tori's K9 Adventures, LLC
Training * Daycare * Boarding
Please give our facility a call for details and great prices.
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Business Hours
7am-7pm Mon-Fri
9am-12pm And 4-6pm Sat
4-6pm Sun
Comments for Tori's K9 Adventures, LLC
Have you used Tori's K9 Adventures, LLC before and want to share your expericence? Add a comment!
Karen says:
2012-08-28 15:31:26

I brought my Standard poodle there for the first boarding @ Tori's and she practically didnt want to come home. She went to hug the employees and say goodbye before she greeted me. She obviously enjoyed her weekend there and the employees there said she had a "blast". Such a relief and she will visit again for sure. Callie says HI!
Cathy says:
2011-04-29 22:46:05

My eight month old puppy has been going to Tori's Day Care five days a week since she was ten weeks old. She is a sweet, happy,well-mannered and confident little girl and Tori and crew have been invaluable to her upbringing. "And", I am not sure what happened and do not know who you are but I think you might have misundersttod what $18/day gets you. That is the level 2 day care price, which mea... view full comment
Meredith says:
2011-04-29 16:00:34

After much debate, I pulled my sweet baby from another local daycare and decided to give Tori's K9 Adventures a try. I am one very particular and very protective pet owner and I can say without a doubt that so far my experience with Tori's is superb! I was thrilled to see that my baby attended a little birthday party for one of the other dogs 1st birthday, my dog even got to go swimming in a sma... view full comment
And says:
2011-04-04 15:35:47

Until yesterday, I have been with Tori from Nov 2010. Long story short my dog was attacked at the dog park in late Dec 2010. Neither Tori nor I saw a difference in his behavior until mid Jan. On the day after speaking with Tori of his fear aggression behavior I began looking into obedience training with other certified trainers. However, the next time when I spoke with Tori she convinced me that i... view full comment
Erica says:
2011-03-25 09:28:00

Tori's K9 Adventures is an amazing place and any dog/owner who has the privilege to go there should be honored. I first encountered Tori professionally (we graduated HS together) when my sister gave me her aussie puppy, i wasn't wanting another dog but she bought it and could no longer take care of it, so i had asked Tori if she would do the training he would need, so she took him for two weeks f... view full comment
Beth says:
2011-03-24 19:57:08

I cannot say enough nice things about Tori and her facility, Tori's K9 Adventures. I have been taking my dog to the facility since October '10 and the difference the facility has made in my dog's life and MY LIFE is amazing. The structure, the routine and the friendly, nice staff make the facility a place we will visit for the rest of our dog's life. I take my dog 5 days a week and when I drop h... view full comment
Sean & Meg says:
2011-03-24 20:03:05

We are also responding to the comment posted below by TM. We are one of the many satisfied clients’ of Tori’s K9 Adventures, and we don’t appreciate such unsubstantiated claims about how they treat the dogs there. We know for a fact that Tori and her staff provide one of the best facilities around here, and they ensure that the dogs are given the environment for positive dev... view full comment
Mykka says:
2011-03-24 19:30:01

As a dog owner,lover and client also i own my own small business i was very diappointed to read what some horrible person wrote about Tori's place of business. I know for fact that the statment TM wrote is a lie my husband works directly next to Tori's business and is over there often. We also take our 1 year old pitbull there. I will addmit my dog is a handfull as anyone who knows what pitbull... view full comment
Tori says:
2011-03-23 23:52:41

I am owner and operator of toris k9 adventures and this is in RESPONSE TO COMMENT BELOW.- I don't know what you think you hear or heard but I guarantee you have NEVER heard anyone of our employees tell any of the dogs to "shut up", "stop barking", or even "go sit down". (They don't recognize any of those as a cue!) I know this for a fact because I am there from open to close Mon-Fri and work with ... view full comment
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Dwanna says:
2012-12-12 15:22:11
I paid a nice sum of money for my dog to board with Torri for 3 weeks of training. At the end she told me she had been sick a few days so she wanted to keep him another week. Then she cancelled the appointment to bring him home because she was still sick. The next appointment, without calling herself, she sent an employee to deliver our dog who told us Torri couldn't come because she had a doct... view full comment