The Thinking Dog/Dogs Calif. - Behavior and Obedience Specialists

Comments for The Thinking Dog/Dogs Calif. - Behavior and Obedience Specialists
Have you used The Thinking Dog/Dogs Calif. - Behavior and Obedience Specialists before and want to share your expericence? Add a comment!
Caroline says:
2010-06-24 16:26:52

OMG! I boarded my little princess Yorki with Dean and she came home so perfect! It was amazing to see how much she learned in such a short period of time and she was soooo happy she didn't want to leave. Lol! Thanks so much for a stress free experience and the training perks.
Jeff says:
2010-06-25 15:39:31
Been using Dean for ~5 years. Perfect for our crazy active dog, she loves it. Our other big dog likes it fine as well.