Comments for Ardenbarry Boarding Kennels
Have you used Ardenbarry Boarding Kennels before and want to share your expericence? Add a comment!
Nancy says:
2011-01-16 05:51:58

We used this kennel for almost 20 years for several dogs. Our last dog, a Newfie, liked going there so much that when I opened the car door she would jump out and walk to the kennel door eager to be in. We're getting a puppy soon and will be back at Ardenberry with him when we need to travel. Excellent, caring kennel.
Dina says:
2011-07-02 01:16:06
vet verified the 4 dogs I boarded contracted a bacterial infection in the time frame while they were at this kennel. They were very ill, treated w antibiotics and it cleared after a week. It turned out to be a very expensive visit in spite of the inexpensive cost of the kennel. Guess you get what you pay for. When I sent a note to the kennel about this they ignored me.