Peppy Paws Pooch Park, LLC

Comments for Peppy Paws Pooch Park, LLC
Have you used Peppy Paws Pooch Park, LLC before and want to share your expericence? Add a comment!
Karen Radovic says:
2010-04-15 21:30:09

I live in Warren, OH and found Peppy Paws is the best place for my dog Max to meet other dogs and get the exercise he craves. Being off leash gives that extra ommph to the whole experience.
Judy says:
2010-04-15 16:21:40
The park is a great place to board your dog. It's 'cage free' and the dogs get a chance to socialize and run free (supervised) in the park. I don't think my dog misses us for a second once we drive away and while we're away I don't worry that she's lonely or scared.